We’re going to be going over the best agents in Valorant in a tier list format, starting from S tier and doing down to B tier. Remember that while lower tier agents may not be the best overall, a skilled player and good luck can still go a long way.

Most characters listed below are primarily designed for teamplay, but some are also very good in solo. Regardless of which one you choose, they all are excellent for ranking up.

S-Tier Agents


The most essential character in the game is undoubtedly Sage.

She is a healer, which means that no team can go without her for long. This also means that Sage players must be very careful to not die, and her teammates need to be aware of her location.

Besides healing, Sage can also slow down enemies using Slow Orb ability and control the battlefield by erecting walls. Both of these abilities are super valuable, but must be mastered for them to be really effective and not stand on the way of the team’s own victory.

Her ultimate ability Resurrection is capable of reviving downed players, which is the key reason why she is being played in almost every team. Just don’t call her a rez bot.


The second best agent in Valorant is Raze, mostly because she can cause so much havoc on the battlefield with all her mines and grenades.

Blast Pack and Paint Shells are her two most useful abilities, which create targeted and AoE explosions that deal huge amounts of damage.

Blast Pack can also be used as a defensive and obstruction mechanism, which can disorient the enemy players.

Boom Bot is also very good, and definitely annoying, chasing targets until it explodes in their faces. While the ultimate ability Showstopper just renders everyone on the battlefield nonexistent.

A-Tier Agents


This agent will mostly fit players who like to play in a very aggressive and engaging manner.

However, this kind of approach also requires a lot of skill, and if you can’t work in a team environment, then it’s better to go solo in this case.

His Blaze ability sets up blazing walls that cover enemy’s line of sight, while Phoenix moves along the enemy positions.

But the real deal is the combined Hot Hands and Run it Back abilities, which can do some serious damage during duels.


Many players consider Sova to be the most balanced agent in Valorant. That is quite a compliment.

Sova is a real team player, as all his abilities are designed to track down enemies on the battlefield for his teammates.

His Owl Drone and Recon Bolt abilities are basically two scanners: one is targeted, and the other can scan an entire area. Both are super useful.

Sova is very similar to Sage in this regard, as he is one of a few agents that are absolutely necessary for proper team work. These types of agents don’t do much damage, but they definitely help others get there.


Cypher is a real menace for enemies, as he utilizes a whole range of traps that can can seriously disrupt anybody’s gameplan.

His Spycam ability puts him in the same tier as Sova, which helps him locate the positions of the enemy players on the battlefield.

His traps, such as Trapwire and Cyber Cage, can be used highly effectively on certain parts of each map. That’s why players who want to play as Cypher absolutely must know the layout of each map perfectly.

Then, and only then, Cypher will become the deadliest weapon in your hands.

B-Tier Agents


It’s not an easy task to play as Brimstone. His two best abilities are Sky Smoke and Orbital Strike, and both need a vast awareness of your position on the map.

Sky Smoke creates clouds of smoke that cover up pathways for enemies, but can also prevent your own teammates for working things through. So be sure that you agree on the positions of the smokescreens with your teammates before deploying them.

Orbital Strike is actually quite amazing and can deal with an entire group of enemies on the other side of the map. But again, you need to know exactly where to strike. Otherwise it’s all for nothing.


Walls, obstacles, and traps are a big part of player arsenals in Valorant. But this agent doesn’t care about either of those.

Breach can use his Rolling Thunder ability, which surpasses walls and obstacles of any kind and deals damage to any enemy unit.

But Breach is best used in a team alongside Sova. Together they can really find a way to distract enemies using Sova’s reconnaissance skills, and Breach’s own Flashpoint and Aftershock abilities.

If you like to get into enemy positions without being detected and plant a few surpises here and there, then Breach is definitely an agent for you.

That’s it for the best agents tier list guide in Valorant, and be sure to come back soon for more related Valorant guides at GameSkinny.

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