One thing to note before we dive deep into spoiler territory is that you can’t lock yourself out of any of the endings, and they can all be seen in a single playthrough. So if you’re here before finishing the game, maybe see the credits once and come back.

There are four endings in total in Valkyrie Elysium, each with a different set of final bosses and requirements for unlocking them. This guide will tell you how to get them all. 

Ending 1: Twilight of the Great Wolf

Odds are, this is the conclusion you’ll see first. If you play through Chapter 9 without speaking to Armand – the guy that just so happens to turn up everywhere you go – you’ll face off against Fenrir and Hilde, serving your purpose as a Valkyrie as set out by Odin.

Ending 2: Twilight of the All-Father

As the title implies, this time you’ll be seeing off your boss, the Ancient One and Ruler of Heaven, Odin. Who saw that coming, eh?

When you enter Chapter 9, make your way to the NPC marker showing Armand’s location. The mysterious traveler’s purpose becomes clear, and he presents you with a choice. This step is a factor in each of the game’s other three endings.

For this one, though, choose “Accept that you are a Valkyrie and do what must be done.” Now, play through the rest of the level as usual, but once you’ve beaten Fenrir and Hilde, things will diverge; you’ve got to then take on each of your prized Einherjar in turn before offing the big man himself.

Ending 3: A Momentary Escape

By the far the easiest conclusion of the four – there are no final bosses for you in this ending. Go see Armand again, but this time opt for “Choose to be human and go with Armand.” And that’s it! Game over.

Ending 4: The True Ending

Yes, this one requires a little more work, but what did you expect for the big finish? The first thing you need to do is make sure you’ve collected eight of Valkyrie Elysium’s nine Verdant Blossoms before starting Chapter 9 – the ninth is picked up in Chapter 9 itself. These are the corrupted versions of the Hollow Blossoms, the flower collectibles that litter the game.

The main difference being, at a glance, that you can’t read the messages they contain — until you’ve found them all, anyway. You can see on the level select screen where the ones you’ve still to find are, and they are denoted on the map with a sparkling green dot.

Remembering to grab the Verdant Blossom in Chapter 9, once again speak to Armand and choose, “Accept that you are a Valkyrie and do what must be done,” triggering the true ending. Make your way to the end of the level as usual, but prepare for a different final gauntlet this time. First, you’ll fight off some enemies alongside Hilde, before taking on Fenrir, and then Odin’s human form. It all comes to a close with a secret boss battle: Ragnarok Odin.

And there you have it – you know how to unlock all endings for Valkyrie Elysium, and have averted Ragnarok in the process. Be sure to check out our forthcoming/other guides to complete your collection of Divine Arts, runes, and weapons.